Weren’t we just talking about New Year’s Resolutions? And now it’s February. 2023 is 1/12 over. What kind of progress have you made on your goals? Yeah, me too. Seems like all of January was spent putting in plans for what we’re going to do in 2023, all the while, 2023 is creeping past.
Time to put plans into action.
Just don’t call me to talk about it if we haven’t agreed to a call ahead of time. 😉
Careers and the Workplace
One More on the Google Layoffs
This further emphasizes that living your life for work is not worth it in the end. How many similar stories are out there? How many people were mid-project or working late evenings on important deals and were let go the next day?
Eventually, they may get promoted to the position they’ve been doing unofficially. Is that leveling up in your career, or is it wage theft?
I suspect there’s a very fine line between the two.
6 Workplace Findings Leaders Need to Navigate This Year - Things have changed.
Blogging and Social Media
Linked – This is the year of the RSS reader. (Really!) - They are right about one thing, RSS fixes the algorithm problem. You choose what you want to see. It also helps deal with email newsletter overload. We can’t replace Twitter with newsletters. Obviously, you’re reading one now, but if you’d prefer RSS to yet another email, Substack offers RSS feeds too. Mine is here – https://mikemcbride.substack.com/feed/
On a similar note - Bring back personal blogging
The latest in the Twitter drama - Linked – Twitter to end free access to its API in Elon Musk’s latest monetization push
The Supreme Court is set to look at Section 230. This could end badly - How the Supreme Court could soon change free speech on the internet.
Mental Health
Make Social Media Work For (Rather Than Against) Your Mental Health
Some studies show how helpful staying in touch with people and building a support community can be for our mental health. The key is controlling it rather than letting it control you.

Research Is In: Work Stress Is Not “Just in Your Head”
The magnitude of the mental health crisis suggests that it cannot be addressed by half-measures and mental health apps. The culture of the workplace needs to shift systemically and become more human-centric.
Managers Have Major Impact On Mental Health: How To Lead For Wellbeing - Care about the people who work for you.

I’ve done something similar to this for years. It works.
Legal, Security, and Privacy
Passwords Are Terrible (Surprising No One) - Indeed
PSA: Domestic Violence and Mobile Technology
Remember, if they’ve been controlling, violent, abusive, etc. there is no reason to think that hasn’t extended to your devices and online accounts. Leave them behind.
On the eDiscovery Front:
Five Quick Tips for Drafting and Negotiating ESI Protocols
Ediscovery Collection Best Practices: The Danger of Self-Collection
Until next week, let’s make the change we want to see in our workplaces this year.