I won’t write anything better here than I did on LinkedIn so just go there.

After you’ve done that, take a minute to thank the many women who have been a part of your success and supported you when you didn’t have success. As I said in the post, it’s a LOOOOOOONG list, and I didn’t even come close to naming them all.
If you don’t know exactly what to say, send them that post or this newsletter with a simple thank you. You’d be doing me a favor and saying thank you to them at the same time. 😉
Careers and Workplace Culture
Linked - Why is managing in the hybrid world so hard?
Historically, we took our highest performers, made them a manager, and gave them no training in how to be a manager. Then when we flipped to remote and/or hybrid working, they couldn’t figure out how to adjust. No kidding.
Speaking of remote and hybrid, make a note of this - The tech workforce isn’t budging on remote work.
Mental Health in the Workplace
More younger employees use workplace mental wellness benefits, say they are “very important” - These young people are smart. They know what's up.

Training and Development
Wednesday was International Women’s Day. In light of that, let’s talk about how to develop woman leaders - Creating Learning Communities to Increase and Retain Women in Leadership.
Also, this-
It will come as no surprise that I agree with this - Why Businesses Should Invest In Employee Learning Opportunities.
Filling the Recruiting Gap With Growth and Development
If you're struggling to find new hires, you need to grow the people you have to take on more, and you don't grow them without a plan on how to do that.
This might seem harsh, but it’s worth thinking about:
eDiscovery and Cybersecurity
Just Once I'd Like To See a Tech Company Not Release New Toys Before Realizing the Obvious Risks
It shouldn't be up to us to protect ourselves from tools created by tech companies with zero concern for the potential for bad actors to do bad things with them.
Maybe the Biden Administration agrees with me - Biden's national cyber strategy wants to redirect responsibility from users to manufacturers.
Hackers Attack Employees from Six Law Firms
I’ve always said that law firms are juicy targets. They have a lot of other people’s data and don’t always know exactly what they have or the seriousness with which it needs to be protected.
Speaking of law firms, some eDiscovery news this week too:
European Court clarifies conflicts between eDiscovery and GDPR
Compounded E-Discovery Mistakes Result in Seven-Figure Sanctions
Thank you for the callout! 🙏🏻